Museu Biblioteca Condes de Castro Guimarães

Jorge Torlades O’Neill (Lisbon, 15 February 1849 – 11 February 1925), was the titular and official head of the Clan O’Neill , whose family has been in Portugal since the 18th century.Eccentric  early-19th-century summer mansion was completed with castle turrets, an Arabic cloister, the Chapel of St Sebastian, a private beach, and gardens. The clover leaves inside did not guarantee his luck – he went bankrupt and had to sell it in 1910. His successor, Count of Castro Guimarães, lavishly decorated it with 17th-century Indo-Portuguese cabinets, Oriental silk tapestries and 17th-century ‘azulejos’. Countless artistic and cultural treasures can be found in the mansion as the rare 16th-century manuscript depicting pre-earthquake Lisbon. Donated to the town in 1931, today the mansion is the Condes de Castro Guimarães Museum.


Tuesday  to Friday  – 10 a.m – 5 p.m

Saturday and Sunday 10 a. m – 1 p.m / 2 p.m- 5 p.m



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