Myths and legends

Tágides or the Tagus Nymphs

Tágides or the Tagus Nymphs

Mythological beings that inhabited the river Tagus, first were mentioned in a poem by André de Resende and later immortalized by Camões in his masterpiece – Os Lusiadas. In the heart of Lisbon there´s a fountain called Luminosa /Luminous where some of these creatures were carved in stone some standing, some on their knees coming […]

Lisbon´s legend

Lisbon´s legend

Legend has it that the coast where  Lisbon is had a strange name: Ofiusa – which means “Land of Serpents.” The snakes had a very strange queen, half woman, half snake …  a sorcerer with a very sweet voice. Sometimes this queer queen climbed to the top of a hill and screamed, just so she […]

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