It can be said that this is the season of sugar, eggs and fried pastries!
The most important is Bolo Rei or the King Cake, made with all sorts of nuts and crystallized fruits:
And the other variety is the Bolo Rainha, or the Queen´s Cake, the same but without the crystallized fruits:
Azevias, can be made with sweet potato, pumpkin or chickpea and lots of sugar:
Filhós, made of flour, milk, eggs, fried in olive oil and covered by sugar and cinnamon. Can have different looks, these are made with a special shape:
Rabanadas, similar to French Toast, made with yesterday bread, milk, eggs, deep fried and covered with sugar and cinnamon:
Sonhos or Dreams , also made with flour, water, sugar and deep fried, covered with sugar:
My favourites are these small cookies, called Broas, there are 3 kinds: corn, castelar and espécie, these last ones are made with sweet potato:
And finally all that can be made with just eggs, liked poached eggs and egg yarn:
Most of this season desserts are conventual sweets, characterized by an unique sweetness.
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